(5 Day) Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII) Course
The Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII) Course is designed to add the rating onto existing and current flight instructor certificates. The instrument flight instructor CFII course is 5 days in length. Our training focuses on Single Pilot Operations with Scenario Based Training.
Train the way you Fly - Fly the way you train
The 5th day includes the CFII course practical test reccomendation with an FAA Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII).
CFII Course Includes:
- Flight Instructor Exclusively Assigned to You
- Unlimited Instruction
- Training Materials
- FAA Practical Test Recommendation - (Budget FAA Examiner Fees & additional days of stay if scheduled locally for a test.)
- Call for pricing - (in your plane)
- Call for pricing - (in our planes) PA-28-181 Piper Archers LX G1000 NXI, PA-28-151 Piper Warrior with GPS Garmin 430 WAAS G5's and Garmin 375's, Cirrus SR22 G3 Perspective/ GPS WAAS or Cirrus SR22 Avidyne / GPS Garmin 430 WAAS, CE-172
- Note: Course, pricing, flight and ground instruction can be customized to individual needs
- Note: Hotel & housing available
- Note: Courtesy vehicle transportation available
- Note: Train at our location or we can train at your location anywhere in the US
- Contact Us At: 218-879-6599 for Course Scheduling
CFII Course Prerequisites:
For pilots seeking an add on Instrument Instructor rating; come prepared with the following information.
CFII Training Course Topics Include:
- Fundamentals of Flight Instruction
- CFII Technical Subject Matter
- AC-61.65
- Risk Management
- Aeronautical Decision Making
- Task Management
- Single Pilot Resource Management
- Scenario Based Training
- Personal Minimums
- Basic Instrument Flying
- Flight Planning
- ATC System & Communications
- Autopilot training
- Advanced aircraft & avionics systems training
- Glass panel training
- Fuel Planning / and alternate airports
- Weather planning for the general aviation pilot
- Proper power settings and airspeed control
- Proper ATC radio communications
- Flight Planning - Airway and Off Airway
- Nonprecision approaches
- Precision ILS approaches
- Circle-to-land
- IFR cross country
- Enroute procedures
- Localizer backcourse
- DME arc maneuvers
- ASR and PAR approach
- Visual and contact approaches
- Advanced instrument approaches - GPS, L-NAV, L-NAV+V, LPV - WAAS
- Partial panel flying.
- Proper power settings and airspeed control
- Holding procedures
- VOR and NDB tracking
Accelerated Flight Training
- 10 Day Instrument Rating Course
- 5 Day Instrument Rating - Finish Up
- 5 Day Commercial Pilot Course
- 5 Day Initial Flight Instructor (CFI) Course
- 5 Day Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII) Course